General Intellectual Property Information
Intellectual Property in the New Age - An Expanding Universe
Intellectual Property is a subset of a broader business and property rights concepts. Our goals in assisting clients to enhance their business practices include: 1. Identifying, understanding and capturing the value of Intellectual Capital 2. Converting Intellectual Capital to Intellectual Assets 3. Distilling Intellectual Assets into Intellectual Property and, 4. Protecting the resulting Intellectual Property
These concepts, as identified by James K. Sullivan and the ICM Group, can be further researched in the excellent reference “Profiting from Intellectual Capital: Extracting Value from Innovation”, Sullivan, James K. , John Wiley & Sons 1998.
Forms of Intellectual Property Protection
Basic Information on Patents and Trade Secrets
A Primer on Trademarks and Trade Dress
A Summary of Copyright Other Helpful Links United States Patent and Trademark Office Copyright Office and the Library of Congress
Federal Law Reference Site Publication by Felix L. Fischer: A Review of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996